Monday, March 27, 2006

Intro XML Done

seeing as the class is over, i think this is the end of it. Sweet! need to check that there aren't any tapes that i've totally failed to UL, but otherwise this should be ready to roll. need to check in w josh to see if there's anything else he wants to add to it, and then we launch.

next up:

- test / proof
- check w josh
- deploy

and then start worrying about a feed for the Advanced class

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Slogging through: RSS & Re-encoding

continuing to work on RSS; i've gotten it to work in FireAnt, but not in iTunes. The iTunes example (from apple!) won't even work in iTunes! not sure what the problem is or how to address it. I'm doing the XML markup by hand, which is a pain in the ass, but at least its getting done. Trying to automate the process may be more trouble than its worth.

also: kits going to put me in touch w his streaming guy. the future of kits vids are a little up in the air. they'll probably eventually live on his mediachops site, but for now they're on the portal.

Its getting to be crunch-time at the lab, so i'm limited in how many computers i can hijack at a time. Right now i'm crunching through the last of this wk's Advanced class, and then i'll be able to fill in the last few Intro holes. Its a long process though; i haven't been able to automate the compression, and the H.264 encoding takes FOREVER.

Monday, March 06, 2006

...aaaaaand WE'RE BACK!

its been a while since i retired this blog. Jonathan's class is over, but seeing as i'm going to be using footage of Josh's Advanced Topics in Max class for my Guerilla Tele-Pedagogy independant study, this seems as good a place as any to keep track of my progress.

Things i'm doing right now / need to do:

- taping kit's class
- taping josh's class
- re-encoding some of the Intro vids (from last semester) into H.264 ( a compression type that delivers really good-looking video in fairly light files)
- trying to write an RSS feed that iTunes will accept
- pulling "5 Tips for producers" from the tapes of kits class and posting them on file sharing
- validate XML
- convert all MS Word Notes to HTML
- create XML feed for IntroToMax
- create XML feed for AdvancedMaxMSP
- tell josh when XML feeds are up so he can post a link
- add chapters to QT one of these days
- UL all notes as HTML and tell josh the names have changed to .htm instead of .txt