Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Popped my cherry

i just made max EAT my computer's memory. didn't crash, but monopolized 80% of the CPU. i feel like that makes me a part of the club. i also feel like i'm about to get aquainted w qmetro or qball or one of those objects that always seemed like a good idea but i haven't had to use yet.

lots of progress today; the building blocks, which i think are the hard part, are pretty much done. now i have to string the whole thing together. after the lists-crapping-out-at-255-elements fiasco, i've kludged together (with a little help) a way to create 1) an matrix w n many filled cells, and 2) a way to randomize those cells. i have to put those together (lots of timing and triggers involved; a little tricky) and then plug it into jit.conway, jit.linden, jit.graph...i hope i'll have time to go into GL, but i doubt it...


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