Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Popped my cherry

i just made max EAT my computer's memory. didn't crash, but monopolized 80% of the CPU. i feel like that makes me a part of the club. i also feel like i'm about to get aquainted w qmetro or qball or one of those objects that always seemed like a good idea but i haven't had to use yet.

lots of progress today; the building blocks, which i think are the hard part, are pretty much done. now i have to string the whole thing together. after the lists-crapping-out-at-255-elements fiasco, i've kludged together (with a little help) a way to create 1) an matrix w n many filled cells, and 2) a way to randomize those cells. i have to put those together (lots of timing and triggers involved; a little tricky) and then plug it into jit.conway, jit.linden, jit.graph...i hope i'll have time to go into GL, but i doubt it...

Monday, December 19, 2005

computers aren't magic

and i shouldn't get so pissed about arbitrary limits. eg, lists can't be longer than 256 elements for what i'm sure is a very good reason. but craaaaap! things looked so good and now i have to totally re-do the data-munging bc lists can't handle the numbers i need. this'll be done in matrices instead, which is fine...but i don't know how to manipulate the matrices and gaaaaaahhhh....patience....patience

Thursday, December 15, 2005

How Dr. Frankenstein felt

holy fucking crap i breathed life into a dead thing and it feels GOOOOOOOOOD!!!

the slow dull work of munging the data has been mostly accomplished, and i got to start playing w jit.conway. there're a few bugs, but its working and ITS ALIVE and there ain't nothin' better than watchin' yr babies grow up. holy crap. this is AWESOME!

i'm gonna go home before i play w the patch too much and mess it up.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

L-Objects page seems to be down


here's a PDF of the help file (its called "canonica objects") that i tossed in with a couple of MIDI ringtones for my phone: Final Countdown by Europe (i've been watching way too much Arrested Development lately) and Only You by Yazoo (too much of The Office).

here's the help file:

List of Lobjects
As of 10 04 04
! not of input (Lnot is the name in windows)
Banger sequence bangs across multiple outlets
Bit converts int to individual 1s or 0s
Byte converts 1s and 0s or list to int
L== reports approximate equality of two lists
L? conditional-- evaluates one expr or the other
Label multi input prepender
Labs absolute value of members
Laccum accumulate sum of all input lists (member by member)
Ladd sum of input and stored members
Larray maintains a large array of floats, longs or bytes with file service
Later save and output a stream of data
Lave average value of members of input list.
Lbag store or delete inputs, output as list
Lbang loadbang with arguments
Lbits lists bits in an int
Lbot lists positions of n lowest values
Lbuf bucket for lists
Lbuild add items to stored list
Lbuildset set desired locations to 1
Lcatch collect items within timeframe, terminated by key value
Lcent reports "center of gravity" of a list
Lchange blocks lists that repeat
Lchunk break up lists by length or key value
Lclose returns list of nearest target values
Lcomp stored list minus input list
Lcount counts the way programmers do
Lcut sets value below threshold to 0
Ldiv input divided by stored
Ldumpster manage large sysex messages
Ledge reports positions of 0 to 1 transitions.
Leftgate gate controlled by right inlet
Legato creates a monphonic note stream with defined overlaps
Lexpr iterated expression of the form A[0] + A[-1] etc. uses expr
Lfilt remove specified values
Lfind find interpolated position of value with in list.
Lgrid 16 track curve drawing interface (not yet in windows)
Lhex converts int to symbol in hexadecimal form (127 to FFh-)
Lhigh sets all but n highest members to 0
Lif chooses between two stored lists according to truth of input
Like route lists that begin with desired header
Lin command line input processor
Linc logic for up down control
Linfer infers interpolated value of position in list, ignoring 0s
Link join lists, in order of arrival with header.
Linterp infers interpolated value of position in list
Linvert stored divided by input
Llast list of last n inputs
Llimit accumulate sums of all input list (member by member) clipped to
specified range
Llist store and initialize lists
Llogic boolean logic
Llong converts symbol hexadecimal form to int (FFh to 127)
Lmap 16 layer curve drawing interface (not yet in windows)
Lmask assign fixed values to some positions
Lmatch find location of sublist within master list
Lmatrix simple matrix of lists
Lmax larger of input or stored
Lmean average of input and stored members
Lmerge combine lists, alternating members
Lmin lesser of input or stored
Lmost reports most common value within a list
Lmult product of input and stored members
Lnot logical NOT of members (Windows)
Lnote note with channel awareness
Lnth lets every nth item through
Loop controls iterations inside a patch
Lpad build list of specified length
Lpair iterate two lists in tandem
Lpast threshold detector
Lpeak reports the highest value (above threshold) in a list.
Lperc individual control of velocity and time for 128 pitches
Lpoly poly with better voice stealing
Lpos reports all positions of a value or list within a list.
Lpow input raised to the poser of stored members
Lpref maintain a preference file for patcher (not yet in windows)
Lqueue slow data down with out losing any
Lreg set or clear specified positions in list and output.
Lrem remainder of int division of input by stored
Lrepeat create lists of repeated patterns
Lreplace modify specified positions in a stored list
Lror right rotation, with last >> first
Lround Rounded to specified number of places (proper rounding)
Lrun create lists of continuous integers
Lsame reports if list is identical to stored list.
Lscale adjust range of input values or listed values
Lscaler adjust range in lists member by member
Lshiftr right rotation with last deleted
Lshiftreg place data at beginning of list and delete and output last
Lsieve allow specified values
Lsign sign of members as -1,0 +1
Lsort sort list by value
Lspeak access to Macintosh speech routines (not yet in windows)
Lstring converts list of ascii value to symbols
Lstrum chord arpeggiator
Lsub subtract lists member by member
Lsum sum of members of input list.
Lsustain sustain and sostenuto
Lswap reorder lists according to template
Lswitch switch controlled by right inlet
Lsx construct sysex messages
Ltest applies specified test to input and stored members
LtoColl formats lists for insertion into coll.
Ltop lists positions of highest n values in a list
LtoSet converts lists of numbers to set ( 1,5,7 to 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0)
LtoTab stuffs list into table
Ltrue tests truth of specified positions in stored list. (bangs if nonzero)
Lunique removes duplicates from lists
Lxor bitwise XOR of members of input list. (checksum)
Unlist cyclically output members of list

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Final Project Progress: structs

right now i'm dealing w the data structures. i've already put together a prototype of arrays of jit.lindens using dummy data; the next step is to complete my data-munging patch. once that's done, i'll be able to implement the same data in a variety of visualization schemes.

Richard Pryor, R.I.P.