Monday, September 26, 2005

finished Max tut through 25

tried to start a patch for josh (i'm auditing his class) but i got way intimidated by ken's patch and its not like i'm going to get to show it in class anyway so i'm not going to stay up all night to do it.

but this brings up an important point: thus far i've been sprinting to keep up w the tutorials and haven't had enough time just playing with max. which is obvs the most important part. so that need to start happening, real quick-like.

patch ideas: hank williams patch. the songs are pretty basic chord structures, and his voice warbles in a way that would probably be really good for random or drunk. i bet if i used the choral midi voice for the melody and a jangly tin pan acoustic guitar it would be a really interesting patch.

now i just need to learn how to do it.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

One More Saturday Night

managed to get through max tutorials up to 20 before my brain turned to mush in the middle of #21. Diving back into it now. I'm finding that there's so much matierial to cover that i'm skimming the surface rather than really internalizing everything; hopefully, Max is amenable to that sort of approach. w such a robust help system, i suspect it is; hopefully i don't have to know how everything works, i just need to know how to find and teach myself when the need for any particular object arises. it feels kind of like knowing a language well enough to understand it, but not speak it.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Question: kill metro

HYPOTHETICALLY speaking, if one were to attach a metro to a msg box w "load" in it, and HYPOTHETICALLY speaking, if one were to bang that would one dismiss the "read" dialog box long enough to kill the metro? I'm not asking for me. I'm asking for a friend.


I've got a pretty basic video mixer that works. I tried to get fancy w a 4-way slider and some special effects ( and jit.rubix), and that's still in a work in progress. The custodians are kicking everyone out of the lab, so i'm gonna go home and finish. And hope that my internet connection at the apt doesn't crap out. Just in case i'm w/o access for the rest of hte night, here's the quick'n'dirty penulitmate patch:

ps - i didn't not manage to fail to completely finish not completing the tutorials. just being honest here. obfuscatory, but honest. here's the crapadelic patch; more to come.

pps - i'm learning the importance of segmented patch cords and/or a bigger monitor

ppps - next goal: work w color shifting of matrices & working w matrix math and lists

max v2;
#N vpatcher 2 44 1036 768;
#P origin 0 35;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P newex 362 743 41 196617 * 0.01;
#P user jit.pwindow 361 851 322 242 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P flonum 362 766 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P message 362 793 50 196617 xfade \$1;
#P newex 362 818 49 196617 jit.xfade;
#P message 626 89 62 196617 xrange 160;
#P button 236 141 15 0;
#P newex 236 113 38 196617 sel 33;
#P newex 281 113 51 196617 print dial;
#P newex 236 68 37 196617 abs 0.;
#P user dial 236 22 40 40 1001 1 -1000 0 159 270 1 1. 170 170 170 221 221 221 120 120 120 225 225 225 0 0 0 0 0 0;
#P flonum 236 89 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P newex 557 362 41 196617 * 0.01;
#P flonum 557 386 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P user jit.pwindow 416 477 322 242 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P newex 556 437 49 196617 jit.xfade;
#P message 557 406 50 196617 xfade \$1;
#P user jit.pwindow 369 268 82 62 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P newex 267 226 48 196617 jit.rubix;
#P user jit.pwindow 365 373 82 62 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P newex 266 349 55 196617;
#P newex 153 358 41 196617 * 0.01;
#P user pictslider 796 376 100 100 4 4 4 4 SliderDefaultKnob.pct 1 SliderDefaultBkgnd.pct 1 2163 0 6619136 101 1. 1.;
#P user jit.pwindow 47 480 322 242 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P newex 45 87 30 196617 t b b;
#P flonum 153 387 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P message 153 417 50 196617 xfade \$1;
#P newex 151 443 49 196617 jit.xfade;
#P user jit.pwindow 371 184 82 62 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P message 13 143 30 196617 read;
#P newex 13 163 105 196617 320 240;
#P user jit.pwindow 143 284 82 62 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P toggle 45 30 15 0;
#P newex 45 69 52 196617 metro \$1;
#P message 22 294 30 196617 read;
#P newex 21 323 105 196617 320 240;
#P comment 13 31 100 196617 play;
#P window linecount 9;
#P comment 885 77 74 196617 todo: - fix jit.op (replaced xfade) - impelement jit.qt.grab (check help file) - maybe do something w;
#P window linecount 34;
#P comment 771 557 100 196617 THE VIDEO MIXER ASSIGNMENT Make a simple video mixer patch with the following requirements: • Must have at least two working video inputs. Any combination of quicktime file playback and live camera input. • Must have an interface for mixing between the inputs. • Must be able to select more than one type of mix mode (i.e. use jit.op instead of jit.xfade) • Must explore and use at least TWO video effects or processes NOT covered in class (either doing something fancy with the objects we've learned or searching out NEW objects we haven't covered.. surf the helpfiles);
#P window linecount 11;
#P comment 754 129 100 196617 get xrange working to kill the flicker on the tiffany then use rubik then make a toggle that controls the y-axis on the 4-way slider bw tiff and rubix;
#P window linecount 1;
#P comment 284 35 100 196617 playback speed;
#P connect 16 0 10 0;
#P connect 11 0 10 0;
#P connect 16 0 5 0;
#P connect 6 0 5 0;
#P connect 8 0 7 0;
#P connect 7 0 16 0;
#P connect 13 0 17 0;
#P connect 29 0 7 1;
#P connect 5 0 9 0;
#P connect 14 0 13 0;
#P connect 9 0 13 0;
#P connect 18 0 19 0;
#P connect 19 0 15 0;
#P connect 15 0 14 0;
#P connect 12 0 13 1;
#P connect 30 0 31 0;
#P connect 31 0 29 0;
#P connect 29 0 33 0;
#P connect 33 0 34 0;
#P connect 5 0 20 0;
#P connect 10 0 22 0;
#P connect 29 0 32 0;
#P connect 18 1 40 0;
#P connect 40 0 38 0;
#P connect 38 0 37 0;
#P connect 37 0 36 0;
#P connect 36 0 39 0;
#P connect 20 0 21 0;
#P connect 22 0 23 0;
#P connect 10 0 12 0;
#P connect 25 0 26 0;
#P connect 24 0 25 0;
#P connect 23 0 25 0;
#P connect 21 0 25 0;
#P connect 28 0 27 0;
#P connect 27 0 24 0;
#P pop;


its a bit past midnight and i'm too honorable to mess w the posting time. but i've got a working patch that's not god-awfully ugly and does something vaguely interesting pretty.

i'm not sure bloggers going to let me post a .dmg file, so here's the Max patch as text.

Oh, and i started from scratch rather than trying to clean up the other patch. so this one's got segmented cords and is a lot neater. i still have to work on the jit.op matrix math stuff though; i kind of get it, but not really.

here's the patch:

max v2;
#N vpatcher 52 50 1078 732;
#P origin 12 0;
#P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.;
#P window linecount 1;
#P newex 421 251 41 196617 * 0.01;
#P flonum 421 280 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P message 421 310 50 196617 xfade \$1;
#P newex 421 350 49 196617 jit.xfade;
#P user jit.pwindow 601 272 162 122 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P newex 602 241 55 196617;
#B color 5;
#P user jit.pwindow 263 407 322 242 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P newex 165 368 41 196617 * 0.01;
#P user pictslider 473 78 100 100 4 4 4 4 SliderDefaultKnob.pct 1 SliderDefaultBkgnd.pct 1 2163 0 6619136 101 1. 1.;
#P flonum 165 397 35 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0;
#P message 165 427 50 196617 xfade \$1;
#P newex 165 453 49 196617 jit.xfade;
#P user jit.pwindow 229 259 82 62 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P user jit.pwindow 53 259 82 62 0 1 0 0 1 0;
#P newex 230 186 98 196617 metro 33.333302;
#P message 176 146 30 196617 read;
#P newex 230 217 105 196617 320 240;
#P toggle 230 146 15 0;
#P comment 176 121 100 196617 Channel 2;
#P newex 54 186 79 196617 metro 33.333302;
#P message 0 146 30 196617 read;
#P newex 54 217 105 196617 320 240;
#P toggle 54 146 15 0;
#P toggle 89 40 15 0;
#P comment 0 121 100 196617 Channel 1;
#P comment 54 43 100 196617 Start!;
#P comment 476 49 100 196617 Ch1 <---> Ch2;
#P window linecount 4;
#P comment 584 100 100 196617 Tiffany In ^ v tiffany out;
#P window linecount 10;
#P comment 604 422 100 196617 This patch takes two video feeds and mixes them in two ways \; on the x axis of the 4-way slider \, it mixes them together \, and on the y axis it mixes them with a tiffany-ed version of channel 2.;
#P fasten 5 0 6 0 94 77 59 77;
#P connect 6 0 9 0;
#P fasten 8 0 7 0 5 216;
#P connect 9 0 7 0;
#P connect 7 0 15 0;
#P fasten 20 0 21 0 478 352 170 352;
#P connect 21 0 19 0;
#P connect 19 0 18 0;
#P fasten 15 0 17 0 59 450 170 450;
#P connect 18 0 17 0;
#P fasten 16 0 17 1 235 447 209 447;
#P fasten 5 0 11 0 94 67 288 67 288 139 235 139;
#P connect 11 0 14 0;
#P connect 14 0 12 0;
#P fasten 13 0 12 0 181 216;
#P connect 12 0 16 0;
#P fasten 25 0 22 0 426 393 269 393;
#P fasten 20 1 28 0 568 227 426 227;
#P connect 28 0 27 0;
#P connect 27 0 26 0;
#P fasten 17 0 25 0 170 484 247 484 247 383 412 383 412 351;
#P connect 26 0 25 0;
#P fasten 23 0 25 1 507 258 507 349;
#P fasten 12 0 23 0 235 241;
#P connect 23 0 24 0;
#P pop;

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Oh, also

- i printed out treeware copies of all the documentation
- i read the other student blogs and discovered which i really really dig


i'm starting to grok that Max is more about playing and less about reading. a sudden family emergency placed me on a train to long island last night, so i had to try to do the tutorials (or rather, preview the tutorials) by reading along in the Jitter documentation w/o the benefit of Max in front of me. i *kinda* got what's going on, but that old saw about "birds don't know a thing about ornithology" is looking REALLY true right now. I need more DOING and less DESCRIBING.

Also, i need to WRITE MY VIDEO MIXER.

Also, i need to STOP SHOUTING IN CAPS.

But first, i need to re-do those tutorials. IN FRONT OF A COMPUTER RUNNING MAX.

Crap, i'm shouting again.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sat Night

i'm trying to be studious, but after Max tutorials 12 & 13 and Jitter tutorial 1 (and half of 2; i'll have to do it over) i'm done w this for tonight. I"m gonna listen to snoop dogg and clean my apt. my internet barely works. fuck all y'all BEEATCH.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

First Assignment Complete

Since I last graced this page with my prose, i've

- started thinking about the data visualization ends for which max'll be the likely means
- changed the URL of this blog (from descriptive enough)
- completed all the tutorials through number 11
- learned how late it can get when yr paying attn to max and not the clock.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Hello World

Thus far i've:

- attended class
- gotten through the first 7 or so tutorials
- created this blog (cross yr fingers)
- gotten a tiny bit of a clue about how good jitter is for data visualization. hot mama!